Of course I got to have my fill of Hannah time. She has changed so much even since the wedding. We were sitting at dinner and she was gumming some pineapple in between my fingers. Next thing I know she chomped down, and really made me jump, 'cause it hurt. Little did we know, her first tooth had broke through! She wasn't too willing to show it to us...but we could sure feel it. She is also crawling now, and making a lot more funny expressions. Here are a few updated snapshots.
She also has become quite fond of a little rocking chair. Julie said she loves to pull it over...she worked and worked to get it pulled over, then play/wrestled with it for quite some time. Many many toys, but a rocking chair entertained her for a good 30 minutes.
We had a wonderful time, and hope to do another movie night soon. Lord willing, I will do another post in the future about the movie.
Hannah is so cute - and the first picture of her and Daniel is precious!
Hope yall are doing great, looking forward to seeing you in June!
Such a sweetie. Thanks for sharing your weekend with us. Wish we could have been there!
So glad you had a great celebration all together. I've been wanting to see the movie SO BADLY and have even met a few people who worked on it. Hope to see it SOON SOON SOON! And, I can't wait to read your review.
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