We had made arrangements to meet up with Henry, Jill, and their family, Sophia, Camille, Julie, and Marshall. George met them before there were any kids, and helped Henry on his farm. He worked for them for several years. He had lost touch with them until the wedding. We were so glad they made the long trip to celebrate with us...not to mention reconnect! Since George had last seen them they had two more children and had completed a major renovation on their home. We arrived at the Abel Home just after lunch time. And I was greeted by something I didn't expect to see on a farm in the middle of Illinois...A peacock!!!
Shortly after we arrived Henry and Jill gave us a tour of their new addition and renovations of their home. I had nothing to compare it to, but George said it was quite a bit different. It was very beautiful with wonderful decor.
After the tour and some casual chatting we decided to check out their go-carts. We rode for two hours or so. Henry had mowed paths around the sweet corn and in the terraces for riding. The girls took turns riding with us and showed us all the fun things around the farm.
Saturday evening we spent back in Athens. We watched a movie with the York clan and headed to bed. Sunday we were able to go visit Jimmy Zimmerman, George's best-friend's brother. He is battling cancer and I know the family would appreciate the prayers. When we went to the nursing home to visit we were also able to see some friends from Little Flock who had come up to visit as well. It was brief, but wonderful to see everyone.
As we left the nursing home we headed to the Zimmerman home to visit with The Jeff Zimmerman family and see Pop Zimmerman. Below is a picture of Pop Z holding his new granddaughter, Rian. It was the first time we had been able to see her. She was quite precious.
As we left the nursing home we headed to the Zimmerman home to visit with The Jeff Zimmerman family and see Pop Zimmerman. Below is a picture of Pop Z holding his new granddaughter, Rian. It was the first time we had been able to see her. She was quite precious.